Welcome to the Jumping BEANS blog! Here you will find pictures of your little ones in action, updates on what Jumping BEANS have been doing and healthy family tips regarding anything from natural food insights to amazing outdoor adventures to have with your kids. It's all about healthy kids and their families on the Jumping BEANS Blog.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Jumping BEANS family and friends joined us on December 21st to celebrate the holiday season and all that the Jumping BEANS have accomplished in 2011.  Check out pictures of our joyous event!  Can't wait to see what is in store for 2012.  Happy New Year everyone!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Here's to a happy and HEALTHY Thanksgiving!

Turkey day is just a couple days away.  Are you planning to get stuffed?  Think about trying these few changes to your Thanksgiving menu to add health and nutrition to your Thanksgiving feast.  Tip # 1- Instead of starchy, empty calorie mashed potatoes, think about trying celery root mash.  It's packed with fiber, manganese, magnesium, thiamin and vitamins B6 and C.  Celery root mash is easy to make and can be found in most local grocery stores.  Tip # 2- Instead of sweet potatoes topped with marsh mellows, try butternut squash.  This versatile fall vegetable has less calories, fat, carbs and sugar than sweet potatoes, while being higher in fiber and protein.  Many who try butternut squash don't even know it's not sweet potatoes.  Tip # 3- Make your own cranberry sauce.  Sounds daunting right?  Cranberry sauce is easier to make than you think and it involves very few ingredients all found in your local grocery store.  Canned cranberry sauce is high in preservatives and high fructose corn syrup (an artificial sugar).  Think about making your own and enjoy the freshness, taste and health it will bring to your Thanksgiving table.

For recipes including the fabulous healthy ingredients listed above, e-mail Karyn (info@jumpingBEANSkids.com).  Have a HAPPY and HEALTHY Thanksgiving!  See you after the break!

Parent Observation Day a HUGE success!

Parents of Jumping BEANS students joined our class to observe and help out on an "in the kitchen" day.  Students and family members worked together to prepare healthy snacks to share for our Teddy Bear/indoor picnic.  The kids got to impress their parents with their healthy food knowledge while enjoying the tasty, healthy treats we all prepared.  Way to go Jumping BEANS!!


Kirsten cleans up after an "in the kitchen" day

JB Primary in Action- PIRATE DAY!

Anna cleans up after an "in the kichen" day

JB Primary enjoys dancing together

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Jumping BEANS Elementary- Our first class and our first "in the kitchen" day.  Many of the kids had made smoothies before, but not with the SUPERFOOD ingredients we put in.  Flax powder, hemp powder, raw cacao and pumpkin seeds were definitely a twist they had not previously encountered.  Chocofruity Banana was definitely the favorite so get your blender out at home and try this delicious, nutritious treat (recipe given in class)!
Jumping BEANS Primary-- Our first "in the kitchen" day was a huge success!  I am always amazed by what I can get the kids to try just by making it sound fun.  We put spinach "grass" in our smoothies and although they were skeptical at first, they were adventurous and went with it.  Most of the kids said they didn't even taste it.  I guess when chocolate is involved, kids will eat anything!  Way to go to my budding chefs!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Yeehaww to all the cowboys and cowgirls at Jumping BEANS yesterday!!  We galloped and trotted and at one point even became cowboy/girl magicians.  It was an imaginative journey and JB Primary had a great time.  We also began structured dance time this week with ballet positions and tap fundamentals.  We definitely have some budding dancers in this mix!  Next week, we are "in the kitchen" and you will be amazed by the healthy snacks we create.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Jumping BEANS begins at MSW

I'm so excited!  Jumping BEANS Primary classes began at Montessori School of Westminster today.  It is so wonderful to be beginning my second year with Jumping BEANS.  The kids were enthusiastic and enjoyed our "All About Animals" theme.  I can't wait to see my Jumping BEANS again next week!!  Great job to all!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

I love having the opportunity to combine many of my great passions in life into my work; dancing, being healthy and teaching your children how to eat healthy everyday.